Emerge Retreat / Northern California 
The Texas Gathering Retreat
Artistry Photography
Journey to Freedom Retreat
Family Photography
Engagement Photography
Business/Event Photography

About Shyann Hibbs

The drive toward Life is protective, thoughtful, vulnerable, and invested in immaculate love. It is this last that marks the difference between a wise heart muddy with real life experiences in the trenches and a dry heart that functions on rote concepts alone.

-Clarissa Pinkola Estes

I am a woman of being.

 A mother, wife, fur-momma, gardener, hunter, coffee & tea enthusiast, yoga friend, creative cultivator, wanderlust,  essential oil junkie, nature lover, sailor of self-discovery, native of the Ozarks, and curious soul. 

I am a Professional  Photographer, degree in visual communication with concentration of photography. My style and technique were birthed in the dark room, cultivating a passion for light,  detail and emotion within my work. After graduating I was honored to travel throughout Italy embracing all my senses in the works of art I had studied over the years. The impact of this journey continues to unfold into my life today, for the world will never appear small after bare-witnessing such grand beauty. Currently I am contracted out as an International Retreat/Training Photographer with Cole Chancy Yoga and The Mindfulish School. . 

With the birth of our daughter, our life truly started a new navigation towards holistic health & wellness. We started making subtle changes prior to pregnancy, but as time went by our thirst for mind, body health became paramount. I have struggled much of my life with severe depression, reaching new frightening heights of anxiety attacks/panic disorder & PTSD.  After rounds of doctors, medications, debilitating side-effects, heart monitors, and an emergency hospital trip I decided to become an advocate of my own health and wellness. This lead me down a path of many modalities of holistic health care we embody within our lifestyle. 

This leads me to Reiki. I am a certified Reiki Practitioner (Master level)/Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki.  Lineage available upon request. Reiki is holistic natural healing for mind, body, emotion, and spirit. It is my foundational practice to wholeness in health & wellness, passion to create sacred space for others to heal, and purpose to cultivate a collective movement of conscious-awareness enriching our family, friends, and communities. Reiki has aided, supported my health journey into facets of abundance I didn't even know existed. My relationship with self, physical and mental, are thriving in worth which has rippled into the relationships of my loved ones, and community. I truly believe that when one is courageous, vulnerable enough to take up space and seek authentic self-love/care, we inadvertently give permission for another to feel safe, accepted to do the same.  

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” 

– Brené Brown

My family now resides in Mount Sterling, Ky. My husband, Jameson, is currently  the new  Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Chapter Coordinator over Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Michigan.  Backcountry Hunters and Anglers is a national conservation organization focused on public land, access, and health. I provide services for yoga, photography, and Reiki within and surrounding Mount Sterling, Ky. My Reiki office is located inside Inner Peace Massage & Healing, booking sessions now.  I lead yoga classes within our local communities park systems, collaborative businesses, and other opportunities found on my website in collaborations. Yoga has supported many transitions of self through life and I look forward to meeting myself daily there. I graduated from the 200YTT, yoga teacher training, from Yes Power Yoga, Jasper, IN.  I am registered 200RYT, through Yoga Alliance with continued education certifications in Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga Foundational Training (TCTSY), Integrative Somatic Yoga (ISY), Completed Emerge Recovery, and recently graduated with The Mindfulish School 300 Hour Teacher Training. I look forward to learning, sharing, and creating community.  

I live life wholeheartedly, I'm all in for this adventure. The mad love of my husband, daughter, essence of life,  support system/community, responsibility/accountability, and relish for exploration of self is the groundwork in which I am firmly able to root barefoot within, let go and bloom. Truly humbled, honored by this life gifted; I am grateful to be sharing it with those around me, weaving our stories into fabrics of the collective wisdom. I love learning, exploring the human experience within myself; within you- as its all apart of my becoming more present with the now. Life is in the now.  

With Curiosity & Grit,

Shyann Hibbs

a special i love you & steady as we go to Huckleberry and Mills. xo

A deep gratitude to the holistic health & wellness providers who have supported me throughout my journey, my dear friends & family who's love is unwavering in ebb & flow. I can't even begin to express how much your encouragement, support, and love has kept me afloat over the years; you are preservers of life. I thank you, love you.   

"I would like to play the part of someone who has worked on my consciousness sufficiently so that if things get tough, in terms of the environment, issues with social structures, oppression, protecting minority groups, whatever the thing is - I would like to be able to be in the scene without getting caught in my own reactivity to it, without getting so caught in my own fear that I become part of the problem instead of part of the solution." 

-Ram Dass